
There’s a bit of a buzz about solar power right now isn’t there? You’ll have heard how solar panels cansave money on your energy bills, and help reduce your impact on the environment… and that’s definitely true.

But… there’s plenty more you need to know before you enjoy all the benefits of solar power in your home or office. And there are a few misconceptions to clear up along the way.

We’ve got all the answers for you – and,probably, a few new questions as well. So if you want to find out more, you can call us to talk it through, or read on to find out more about the benefits of solar power…


Switched on to solar power

We’re doing our bit to transform homes and businesses throughout Gloucester. Our solar panels are springing up all over the city, as home and businesses switch on to the benefits of solar power. So what are the big benefits of solar power?

  • Solar energy systems reduce household energy bills year on year
  • They provide an ongoing source of energy
  • They add value to property

It’s all true: you can achieve annual savings on your home or office heating bills and more than recoup the cost of your investment. And we can design, supply and install solar panels on your home or business so that you can generate your own clean, cost-effective energy.There are even some preferential Government tariffs to help.

First, you need to choose the solution that is right for you. And choosing the right supplier helps too!

So we recommend two things:

  1. Do your own research. Make sure the benefits really stack up for your home or office.
  2. Try and see a solar panel system in action. That’ll give you a much better idea of how it all works in practice.

If you don’t know anyone who has already had solar panels installed, why not come and see ours? We’ve set up a fully-functioning solar panel system at our offices on the Waterwells Business Park in Gloucester. So you can come and see the panels themselves, the electrics, and get a sense for how it actually works.


Solar energy – here to stay

As one of the region’s leading stockists of solar panels, we’ve got a comprehensive range for you to choose from. And because we’re electrical experts too, you can rely on us to source, supply and fit your panels properly.

Crucially, we’ll help you choose the right system for your requirements. One size does not fit all! Every home is different; every office too. So what is right for your neighbour won’t necessarily be right for you.